Micro-Internship #1: Handmade the Brand
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The first project was with Handmade the Brand, a globally recognized Spanish espadrille shoe company. I developed a brand storytelling strategy designed to engage a specific niche audience. The project involved crafting an empathetic message, identifying a clear call to action, and creating an implementation strategy with key performance indicators to measure its success. This experience strengthened my ability to connect brand messaging with consumer needs and drive engagement.​​​​​​​
Micro-Internship #2: Sandwicherie
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In the second micro-internship, I collaborated with Sandwicherie, a local artisan sandwich and coffee shop. I created a micro-influencer strategy aimed at amplifying the brand’s voice through carefully selected influencers who aligned with the target demographic. I developed an outreach plan and strategy to engage these influencers' communities with key calls to action.
Throughout the program, I competed in pitch and presentation challenges with other intern groups, winning the second sprint for best presentation and innovative solutions. This experience enhanced my adaptability, problem-solving skills, and teamwork while reinforcing my ability to develop strategic, user-centered solutions in a fast-paced environment.
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