My UX Design major equips me with the skills to create user-friendly digital experiences, and my minor in Communications enhances my ability to effectively communicate design decisions and research findings. This dynamic combination allows me to bridge the gap between user needs and technical capabilities, and it positions me for success in the ever-evolving digital landscape. I'm passionate about leveraging this knowledge to create compelling and user-centered digital solutions. My lifelong fascination with technology and design has ignited my love for innovation, marketing, aesthetics, product design, and leadership, propelling me to strive for excellence in all my endeavors. Beyond the classroom, I'm dedicated to my interests in fashion, digital design, content creation, and philanthropy. I thrive on collaboration and am always looking to connect with like-minded individuals in the industry.
other passions
Fashion & Digital Design
Ever since I was a young child, I've held an enduring fascination with the world of fashion and the art of design that surrounds me. During those years, I would sketch fashion concepts, envision futuristic smart homes, and brainstorm innovative inventions. My creative spirit is perpetually drawn to the realms of innovation, design, and cutting-edge technology. I have carried these unique quirks and passions with me as I've matured and begun to envision a professional path for myself.
Content Creation & Marketing
During the summer, I had the privilege of serving as a marketing intern at Garmentier, a retail-technology company. In this role, I was able to seamlessly integrate my unique UX expertise, passion for fashion, and public relations experience to excel in this professional endeavor. I worked closely alongside Garmentier's CEO and Operations Manager to implement strategic marketing initiatives, all while analyzing data from various social platforms and transforming it into actionable insights. My responsibilities included creating comprehensive weekly reports and delivering persuasive presentations that effectively conveyed my research findings and provided innovative solutions for ongoing challenges. I also spearheaded the design and execution of visually captivating marketing campaigns, ensuring they resonated with the target audience. Moreover, my involvement extended to user experience (UX) and marketing research, where I unearthed pivotal insights to address critical company pain points. In addition to this, I contributed by generating valuable content and resources for Garmentier's stylist platform and esteemed retail operations."
As my sorority's Public Relations chair, I spend a few hours a week curating content and planning for upcoming marketing strategies. My sorority’s philanthropy is mental health, a cause I am very passionate about and is very close to my heart. When I began my position, I created a mental health instagram page for my sorority to bring more outside attention to our philanthropy and bring mental health awareness to Purdue’s campus. Within the last 6 months, I have curated 45 posts bringing awareness to our philanthropy mission, mental health inspiration, tips, tricks, studies, and facts. I have shown how my sorority values mental health and incorporates it into our daily lives, and have created various marketing campaigns to bring positivity to peoples days and get the word out about important mental health days including suicide prevention, sexual assault awareness, and more. I have spent many hours curating authentic graphics and planning mental health campaigns, and after seeing the outcome after all of these months and the hard work I have put into it has been the best feeling of all.

As previously mentioned, advocating for mental health awareness consistently remains at the forefront of my philanthropic priorities. I constantly feel proud to be an ambassador of mental health and advocating for such an important cause that affects so many of us in our daily lives. My efforts have led to positive talk not only in my housing units community but in the Purdue community as a whole. I feel extremely proud of the following it has gained and how it has grown into a platform that impacts so many beyond just my sorority. We are constantly hosting events to raise awareness on Purdue's campus and raise money to specifically help support the National Eating Disorder Foundation (NEDA) and the Jed Foundation (suicide prevention). 

From 7th-12th grade I was a member of the National Charity League (NCL), a nationwide mother-daughter non-profit organization designed to encourage community service with 3 pillars: Philanthropy, cultural experiences, and leadership development. I was the president of my class for 2 years, VP of Philanthropy, VP of Communication, Corresponding Secretary, and Parliamentarian. For the 6 years I was a member, I was on the executive committee. NCL taught me everything I know about leadership. I learned how to be professional and polite, yet outgoing and personable. NCL pushed me outside my comfort zone into public speaking and organizing materials through presenting reports and speeches. By the time I was a senior I considered myself a leader with well developed communication skills and hard work. My experience with the National Charity League was a life-changing journey that taught me crucial lessons. I learned essential leadership skills, including professionalism, effective communication, teamwork, and organization. NCL created a sense of commitment, a passion for community service, and a dedication to personal growth. These lessons have had a lasting impact on my personal and professional life, shaping my approach to leadership, community service, and interactions with others. I currently hold the title of a 'Sustainer' within NCL, and I remain dedicated to volunteering during my breaks from college. I actively nurture connections with the younger members, aiming to cultivate the same strong relationships that I enjoyed during my own membership.

I am also passionate about advocating for girls in STEM, which is deeply rooted in my belief that gender should never be a limiting factor in a person's career goals in the field they are passionate about. I believe that women are just as capable as men in these areas, but stereotypes can often steer young girls in the wrong direction. In high school, I was part of the Girls in STEM club, which showed me the importance of creating a supportive environment for young girls interested in science and technology. It was clear that with the right encouragement and opportunities, they could excel and make valuable contributions to STEM. Now at Purdue, I'm actively involved in the Women in Technology club. It's not just about networking; it's about fostering an inclusive space for women in technology to thrive. I want to inspire the next generation of female STEM leaders and break down barriers. Passion for girls in technology is crucial for building a future where diversity and inclusivity are valued in STEM. It's about providing role models and ensuring that technology becomes a place where everyone can contribute their unique perspectives and innovations. I'm committed to this cause and plan to continue advocating for women's participation in STEM throughout my academic and professional journey.
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